MORO - CAPRA AL FIENO (3.5KG) คัปปร้า อัล ฟิเอโน่ ชีส
MORO - CAPRA AL FIENO (3.5KG) คัปปร้า อัล ฟิเอโน่ ชีส
This goat’s milk, when still freshly made, is covered by dry hay and then left seasoned on wood boards. This is a tradition handed down by shepherds, who used to hide cheese in barns during the period of sheep farming in the high mountains.
It is goat’s milk, matured 7-8 months, with wheels weighing 3kgs. The hay used for the ageing comes from the organic grass plantations in high mountains. This allows the cheese dough to absorb the scents of the flowers and grass.
The result is a strongly flavored and firm cheese, perfect for palates accustomed to clean and intense tastes. Suitable for enjoying also at the end of the meal, sweetened by jams.
Origin: Italy - Veneto
Raw Material: Goat cheese made from milk collected from small farmers in the Alps and Prealps, aged with the most fragrant thyme grown in Sicily, aged at least 2 months
Taste: The persistence of the aroma of the thyme and the hint of goat blend perfectly, giving an aromatic, elegant sensation with a Mediterranean character; on the palate it is pleasantly melting
Maturing: At least 3 months
Serving Suggestion: Ideal to finish a pasta with vegetables, curious and original in the filling of a burger; it goes very well with dried or semi-drided tomatoes